5×5- Ipad Pro Review
Could your business benefit from the iPad Pro? We’ll give you an inside look at our iPad Pro and how we use it here at Bloughtech.
Could your business benefit from the iPad Pro? We’ll give you an inside look at our iPad Pro and how we use it here at Bloughtech.
Today Paul talks about a program that can help boost company/employee morale. Bonusly or Bonus.ly is an online tool that allows the staff to give each other small bonuses for some all tasks around the office. For more information visit us at www.bloughtech.com or bonus.ly.
Today Paul talks about some disaster situations and how we can prepare our businesses for them.
This week’s topic is power management, which means surge protectors and battery backups. We’ll discuss the differences between a multi-outlet strip and a surge protector and whether or not you still need a battery backup to protect your sensitive and expensive technology.
You’re in the market for a new phone, but which operating system should you choose? Choosing an OS (Operating System) is a harder choice than you might think. We’ll break the two down into categories and find a winner for each. Just pick what matters most to you, count up the wins in those categories, […]
Do Macs get viruses? That’s a good question… In this video, we will explain how Mac approaches security a little differently than PC.
This week we are discussing Microsoft’s new program, Office 365. It’s not really new, almost everyone has used at least one of of Microsoft’s programs like word, excel or powerpoint, but Microsoft has “repackaged” how all of their programs communicate with each other. We’ll explain what’s new and how it could benefit your business.
This week we will take an in-depth look at how individual pieces of technology come together to help protect and grow your company.
A hot swap is the replacement of a hard drive, CD-ROM drive, power supply, or other device with a similar device while the computer system using it remains in operation. The replacement can be because of a device failure or, for storage devices, to substitute other data.In this week’s video you’ll learn the benefits and limitations of Hot Swappable […]
Are you still not quite sure what the “cloud” is? We’ll break down what the cloud is, what it does and how to keep it secure.