5×5- What is locky ransomware
In this video we will be talking about Locky Ransomware and how it can hold your computer hostage. We will also discuss a particular type of Ransomware called “Locky” and suggest a few tips to avoid being attacked.
In this video we will be talking about Locky Ransomware and how it can hold your computer hostage. We will also discuss a particular type of Ransomware called “Locky” and suggest a few tips to avoid being attacked.
This week we are discussing Microsoft’s new program, Office 365. It’s not really new, almost everyone has used at least one of of Microsoft’s programs like word, excel or powerpoint, but Microsoft has “repackaged” how all of their programs communicate with each other. We’ll explain what’s new and how it could benefit your business.
Do you know how your website is being protected? Most business owners assume their hosting service is protecting their website. Unfortunately, in most cases, that isn’t true. Watch our video to find out what could be attacking your website and how to be proactive about your website security.
Need help getting testimonials from your customers? We’ll show you some of the techniques we use to get our customers talking about our business.
Every business has specific needs that are unique to their industry. Wouldn’t it make since to have software that was designed just for you? Find out how Bloughtech made the switch and revolutionized the way we work.
Do you know where all of your protected data is located? You could be unknowingly endangering your clients, customers or patients protected information. We will tell you why it is so important that you perform a privacy audit by doing it yourself or allowing us to use automated privacy auditing tools.
When was the last time you actually worried about the Gramm-Leach-Bliley Act in your business? You might not even know what it is. After all, the name alone is quite a mouthful. So what is the GLBA and why should it matter to you? Simply put, GLBA is a law that requires “financial institutions” that […]