5×5 Blog
Referencing a radio term meaning that the signal is strong and clear, our 5×5 blog is designed to give you short, meaningful tips to increase the efficiency of your business. Topics range from business tips to technology updates and product reviews. Check out a few of our videos below, and let us know what you think by sending us a comment on our Facebook page!
1 May 2017
5×5 -Buying Used Equipment
Today Paul talks about what to look out for when purchasing used IT equipment.
7 Mar 2017
5×5 -The Dark Side of The Cloud
Today Paul talks with us about some of the downsides to using a cloud based service alone and how theres a dark side to The Cloud.
14 Feb 2017
5×5 – Artificial Intelligence
Today Paul talks about Artificial Intelligence and how it can play a role in out day-to-day lives.
14 Feb 2017
5×5 – Personal Assistants
Today Paul talks with us about Virtual Personal assistants and how they can play a role in not just your personal life but your business also.
16 Jan 2017
5×5 – Virtual Reality
Today Paul talks about Virtual Reality and what to expect in the near future with Virtual vs Augmented Reality
26 Sep 2016
5×5 – To Update or Not to Update?
Today Paul discusses whether we should update softwares or not.
8 Sep 2016
5×5 – Business Chaplain
Today Paul Brings in Danny Hendrix of Team Maker, LLC. To talk a little bit about how having a chaplain can benefit a company by boosting morale and increasing the level of happiness in your employees.
24 Aug 2016
5×5 – How Can Flex Time Benefit my Company?
In todays 5×5 Paul gives us some real life examples of how Flex Time is beneficial to a company and it\’s employees. Be sure to check out all of our 5×5 videos here on our website or youtube channel keyword \”Blough Tech\” and learn more about all of our products and services.
9 Aug 2016
5×5 – RING video Doorbell
Today Paul talks about Ring doorbells and what all they can do. These doorbells allow you to see who\’s standing at your front door right on your phone and allows you to contact them if needed. This product takes home safety to a whole new level in technology.
21 Jul 2016
5×5 – Bonus.ly
Today Paul talks about a program that can help boost company/employee morale. Bonusly or Bonus.ly is an online tool that allows the staff to give each other small bonuses for some all tasks around the office. For more information visit us at www.bloughtech.com or bonus.ly.
30 Jun 2016
5×5 – Business Interruption
Today Paul talks about some disaster situations and how we can prepare our businesses for them.
22 Jun 2016
5×5 – Surge Protectors & Battery Backups
This week’s topic is power management, which means surge protectors and battery backups. We’ll discuss the differences between a multi-outlet strip and a surge protector and whether or not you still need a battery backup to protect your sensitive and expensive technology.
8 Jun 2016
5×5 – Android Vs IOS
You’re in the market for a new phone, but which operating system should you choose? Choosing an OS (Operating System) is a harder choice than you might think. We’ll break the two down into categories and find a winner for each. Just pick what matters most to you, count up the wins in those categories, and you have a recommendation.
19 May 2016
5×5 – Do Macs Get Viruses?
Do Macs get viruses? That’s a good question… In this video, we will explain how Mac approaches security a little differently than PC.
4 May 2016
5×5 – Office 365
This week we are discussing Microsoft’s new program, Office 365. It’s not really new, almost everyone has used at least one of of Microsoft’s programs like word, excel or powerpoint, but Microsoft has “repackaged” how all of their programs communicate with each other. We’ll explain what’s new and how it could benefit your business.
27 Apr 2016
5×5 – How IT Affects Business Growth
This week we will take an in-depth look at how individual pieces of technology come together to help protect and grow your company.
8 Apr 2016
5×5 – What are Hot Swappable Hard Drives?
A hot swap is the replacement of a hard drive, CD-ROM drive, power supply, or other device with a similar device while the computer system using it remains in operation. The replacement can be because of a device failure or, for storage devices, to substitute other data. In this week\’s video you\’ll learn the benefits and limitations of Hot Swappable Hard Drives for your business.
21 Mar 2016
5×5 – What is Cloud Security?
Are you still not quite sure what the \”cloud\” is? We\’ll break down what the cloud is, what it does and how to keep it secure.
8 Mar 2016
5×5 – Ransomware Attacks on Wordpress
Do you know how your website is being protected? Most business owners assume their hosting service is protecting their website. Unfortunately, in most cases, that isn\’t true. Watch our video to find out what could be attacking your website and how to be proactive about your website security.
3 Mar 2016
5×5 – What is \”Locky\” Ransomware?
In this video we will be talking about Locky Ransomware and how it can hold your computer hostage. We will also discuss a particular type of Ransomeware called \”Locky\” and suggest a few tips on how to avoid being attacked.
25 Feb 2016
5×5 – Apple Watch Review
Thinking about buying the Apple Watch? Listen to our review and find out how we have incorporated the Apple Watch into our businesses and if it’s actually worth it.
16 Feb 2016
5×5 – How to get testimonials Part 2: Dealing with bad reviews
In Part 2 of How to get testimonials, we\’ll tell you how to respond to bad reviews and how to use tools like Mention, to know when people are talking about your business.
10 Feb 2016
5×5 – How to get testimonials
Need help getting testimonials from your customers? We\’ll show you some of the techniques we use to get our customers talking about our business.
3 Feb 2016
5×5 – Ipad Pro Review
Could your business benefit from the iPad Pro? We’ll give you an inside look at our iPad Pro and how we use it here at Bloughtech.
27 Jan 2016
5×5 – Strategic IT Planning
Did you know that I.T. equipment has expiration dates? The technological life span is only about 3 years, while the physical life span is around 5 years. Watch this video to learn how we can help your business by creating a strategic I.T. plan.
5 Jan 2016
5×5 – Industry Specific Software
Every business has specific needs that are unique to their industry. Wouldn’t it make since to have software that was designed just for you? Find out how Bloughtech made the switch and revolutionized the way we work.
23 Nov 2015
5×5 – Risk Assessment Plan
Every business has specific needs that are unique to their industry. Wouldn’t it make since to have software that was designed just for you? Find out how Bloughtech made the switch and revolutionized the way we work.
23 Nov 2015
5×5 – Controlling Sensitive Data
Do you know where all of your protected data is located? You could be unknowingly endangering your clients, customers or patients protected information. We will tell you why it is so important that you perform a privacy audit by doing it yourself or allowing us to use automated privacy auditing tools.
20 Oct 2015
5×5 – Football & Technology
Every wondered how you could uniquely use technology for your business? Check out this video and see how the Cairo High School football team is using technology for their benefit.
8 Sep 2015
5×5 – Life Cycles
Learn about IT Life Cycles and how we can help you create a STRATEGIC IT PLAN, to make sure your technology stays up to date.
1 Sep 2015
5×5 – Traction EOS
Today we are talking about Traction EOS and how it can be used a as a how to guide for running your business. This can range form starting a business to components to grow your business and the steps to take to get you there..
1 Sep 2015
5×5 – Core Values
Today we will discuss Core Values and how they are vital to your organization. Core Values is a small list of basic requirements for being a part of the organization. These can range from many things for different companies.
11 Aug 2015
5×5 – Client & Team Satisfaction
In this video you will learn about two tools that can help grow and improve your business, by learning what it takes to motivate your team and create high customer satisfaction.
19 Apr 2015
5×5 – DISC Profiles
Today we are talking about DISC profiles and how they break down a persons personality traits. This can be beneficial when hiring new employees and helping your business grow.