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External Access Disclosure

To help our customers and keep our products running smoothly, Blough Tech works with third party vendors and service providers to make sure all our clients’ systems are working as intended. Blough Tech monitors this access through their vendor due diligence process. Vendors receiving temporary access to internal, or client systems will be tracked and disclosed to Blough Tech’s Customers through a standardized ticket.

In addition, Blough Tech allows some persistent but limited access to client systems by our third-party vendors to enable certain SaaS (Software as a Service) functionality.

Blough Tech can provide a list of which third party vendors and service providers have either temporary access or persistent limited access to any of clients upon written request to [email protected].

Data Geolocation Disclosure

Bloughtech does not transfer data provided by Customers to external parties (contractors, vendors or service providers) unless those external parties provide the data the equivalent level of protection that Bloughtech provides. To ensure the external parties provide the appropriate level of protection, Bloughtech conducts regular due diligence in accordance with internal policies and procedures.

As a company operating strictly within the southeastern United States, Bloughtech will only use Delivery Centers located inside the continental USA.