The B-Attitudes of Blough Tech
1. Be Honest 2. Be Accountable 3. Be Meek 4. Be Better 5. Be Merciful 6. Be Motive-Minded 7. Be a Maker of Peace 8. Be a Martyr
1. Be Honest 2. Be Accountable 3. Be Meek 4. Be Better 5. Be Merciful 6. Be Motive-Minded 7. Be a Maker of Peace 8. Be a Martyr
So I’m in line to get a biscuit this morning (I try to resist but some mornings you just gotta have a biscuit) and when I turn the corner after ordering I can overhear the conversation with the car in front of me. It wasn’t pretty. The car in front of me contained two smiling older ladies […]
Today Paul Brings in Danny Hendrix of Team Maker, LLC. To talk a little bit about how having a chaplain can benefit a company by boosting morale and increasing the level of happiness in your employees.
In todays 5×5 Paul gives us some real life examples of how Flex Time is beneficial to a company and its employees. Be sure to check out all of our 5×5 videos here on our youtube channel or to learn about all of our products and services.
In this video we will be talking about Locky Ransomware and how it can hold your computer hostage. We will also discuss a particular type of Ransomware called “Locky” and suggest a few tips to avoid being attacked.
Thinking about buying the Apple Watch? Listen to our review and find out how we have incorporated the Apple Watch into our businesses and if it’s actually worth it.
Could your business benefit from the iPad Pro? We’ll give you an inside look at our iPad Pro and how we use it here at Bloughtech.
Today Paul talks about a program that can help boost company/employee morale. Bonusly or is an online tool that allows the staff to give each other small bonuses for some all tasks around the office. For more information visit us at or
Today Paul talks about some disaster situations and how we can prepare our businesses for them.
This week’s topic is power management, which means surge protectors and battery backups. We’ll discuss the differences between a multi-outlet strip and a surge protector and whether or not you still need a battery backup to protect your sensitive and expensive technology.